Approximately one month ago, I was hunkering down to a big juicy steak and savoring every last bite. Now I have been meat, egg, and dairy free for almost a month and I couldn't be happier. You are probably wondering, what could cause a carnivore of 23 years to give up the foods I know and love cold turkey? Well, here is how my vegan lifestyle, and thus this blog, came to be:
Up until very recently, I just assumed that anyone who was a vegan had to be extremely weird and/or mentally ill. My favorite foods in the world included all types of red meat, any and all cheese, and big stuffed omelets, and I had zero intention of giving them up. However, with these tasty foods comes some very negative health repercussions, and over the past 9 months or so I had put on more weight than I would like.
My weight has kind of fluctuated for as long as I can remember, but it has never been to the point where I was seriously concerned. I have done, and had success with, Weight Watchers multiple times, but for whatever reason I could just never keep the weight off. A little over a month ago I stepped on the scale for the first time in a while, and I was very unhappy with the number that I saw. I knew I had to take control and improve my eating habits, but the thought of going through Weight Watchers yet again just seemed so daunting.
Simultaneously my boyfriend, Andrew, was becoming very interested in juicing raw fruits and vegetables, and in the benefits of vegan diet in general. Before this point, vegan is something I NEVER considered. And I capitalize that because becoming a vegan literally seemed like the anti-me. I tried to be a vegetarian once in the 8th grade, and I lasted about 3 days (however I pretended to be a vegetarian for about a year so my friends would think I was cool. Middle school was a dark time). On top of all of that, I just loved food in general and vegan did not seem synonymous with good eating to me. In fact, in my mind I was picturing a life of dry kale and crusty tofu.
However, as Andrew continued to watch interesting documentaries about the benefits of raw and vegan foods and filled me in on all of the information, I really started to think that this made sense. I mean, the more I thought about it, the more putting natural foods in my body made much more sense than OD'ing on 100 calorie packs and diet products, which is what I tended to do when I was on Weight Watchers. The more I learned, the more I wanted to fuel my body with good natural foods. However, my overwhelming love of all things non-vegan kept holding me back.
I finally made the decision that post-Thanksgiving was going to be do or die time, and trust me when I say that over Thanksgiving I did it up right. I was still really nervous about starting my new vegan diet because I had no idea what to expect, but when I got back to DC I stocked up at Trader Joe's and decided to go all in.
That was about a month ago, and I can honestly say that it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made for my health. Since I decided to become a vegan for health/diet reasons, I am using my best judgement to make healthy decisions (theoretically I could be loading up on fries and desserts but that would defeat the point). I have been cooking some of the best meals I have ever made, and have tried some truly amazing restaurants. On top of that, I have lost about 10 pounds in 4 weeks, pretty much eating whatever I want!
I wanted to start this blog to chronicle all of the things I have been cooking and restaurants as I have been dining at, as well as using it as kind of sounding board for my diet/health goals. I am not putting on any heirs that I am some sort of health expert nor am I some vegan nut who is trying to convert everyone in sight--I just want to share my experiences as I go through veganism. I hope you enjoy!! :)